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The Social Investment Consultancy (TSIC)
An active member of the Nonprofit Builder consultant platform since 15, November 2023 and has completed 3 engagements through the platformGlobal network of consultants supporting organisations to create systemic, equitable social change. Specialist in impact measurement and evaluation, impact investing, diversity, equity and inclusion, social innovation and organisational strengthening.
India, Ghana, Hong Kong, Jordan, Singapore, United Kingdom, Africa, Asia, Europe, MENA
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Contextual Experience
Geographical Experience
Established in 2008, we have worked with over 500 clients – foundations, non-profits, social enterprises – in more than 30 countries. Some clients include: British Council, the Children's Investment Fund Foundation and Wellcome Trust. With our team of 40 across Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America, we pride ourselves on our locally-led development model. We are a team of diverse backgrounds and experiences, and having incubated many initiatives, we also understand how it is to run social impact organisations!
TSIC works with ambitious organisations and changemakers in a collaborative way, embedding diversity, equity and inclusion. We can work with you for a set consultancy assignment, or as a coach, trainer or sounding board. Our work with clients falls under these core service offering areas:
1. Social Impact Measurement and Management
We believe that Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) is crucial to understanding what works and what doesn’t. We work with our clients to:
- Design, implement and manage an ongoing impact assessment process and accountability system, including Theory of Change
- Conduct independent evaluation of organisational-wide or programmatic impact, and provide strategic and operational recommendations,
- Sharing impact findings beyond the organisation to inform funders and influence policy makers.
2. Strategic Planning
We support clients in setting and reviewing strategies that maximise their impact as well as embedding them in their organisational design. Practically this means:
- Engaging internal and external stakeholders to develop forward-looking strategies,
- Reviewing documentation and conducting benchmarking research to identify strategic proposition,
- Reviewing governance and organisational structures,
- Embedding the strategy through change management, KPIs, processes and frameworks.
3. Financial Sustainability & Revenue Generation
We help clients create a more sustainable, ambitious future through revenue generation and impact investment. This includes:
- Designing and reviewing revenue generation models based on the assets and strengths of organisations,
- Conducting market research, business modelling and financial modelling for revenue generation plans,
- Embedding fundraising capabilities by upskilling teams and building fundraising pitches.
4. Learning and Development
We believe embedding a learning culture is essential to our clients’ long-term success. We support our clients by:
- Co-designing learning journeys focused on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), systems change, and MEAL,
- Fostering thriving communities of practice to enable long-term learning capabilities.
Some of our flagship methodologies, intended as practical tools for organisations to implement best practices, include:
- The TSIC DEI maturity model or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Cube is our methodology to support social change organisations to holistically reflect on their DEI progress.
USERS: Putting users’ voices at the heart of Evaluation is a practical resource to help funders, organisations and users implement an inclusive approach to impact evaluation.
The TREE: A Tool for Reflection, Evaluation and Evolution is an assessment tool to help purpose-led organisations assess their organisational maturity in a variety of areas, including purpose and mission, MEL, and culture and DEI.
Charities Unlocked: Realising the Commercial & Social Value of Charitable Assets explores how charities can utilise their assets and strengths to drive commercial revenue, and proposes a practical 5-step process for charities.
Our clients chose to work with us for 3 main reasons: Specific skills and expertise of staff, Knowledge of focus area, and alignment of values. When asked How helpful was TSIC in solving their problems and increasing their impacts, 62% found us extremely helpful; 31% cited helpful."
The Social Investment Consultancy are exactly who they say they are; experts in diversity, equity and inclusion, research and evaluation and social innovation… they listened attentively to our concerns, took our suggestions on board and produced one of the most beautiful pieces of work I have ever seen. The most astonishing skill they possess is the ability to make such high-level theoretical themes so easily digestible to the general public. – Christelle Tambi, Grants Search Officer, Turn2Us