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1. Introduction
Nonprofit Builder provides an online platform for social and environmental change organizations to access high-quality capacity building support, so they can refine strategy, manage change and growth, and develop their leaders - to make the world a better place.
To enable this Nonprofit Builder brings together a global community of consultants and coaches specializing in supporting mission-driven organizations, philanthropic trusts and foundations supporting their grantees to achieve their mission and grantees who are committed to make important changes in the way they operate and need support to succeed in their mission.
The Nonprofit Builder consultant directory includes professionals who provide organisational development support in a wide range of organisational functions as well as safeguarding capacity building which is a mandatory requirement of grantees by many donors.
Consultants listed on the Nonprofit Builder platform are independent contractors, not employees or agents of Nonprofit Builder. The platform facilitates connections but does not guarantee the quality of services. Foundations and grantees are responsible for conducting their own due diligence when recommending/selecting consultants.
The purpose of this safeguarding policy is to communicate Nonprofit Builder’s arrangements for safeguarding.
2. Definitions
2.1 What is Safeguarding?
In the social care and development sector, safeguarding means taking all reasonable steps to prevent sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment from occurring; to protect people, especially vulnerable adults and children, from that harm; and to respond appropriately when harm does occur ( Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub). In recent years it is becoming good practice to think about how we safeguard everyone in our organisations at all times, including protecting staff and volunteers from harm as well as protecting the environment.
2.2 Protected Persons
Child: A child is any individual under the age of 18. All children, regardless of their age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation, or identity, are entitled to equal protection from all forms of harm and abuse.
Adult at Risk: An adult at risk is any individual over the age of 18 who, due to factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability (physical or mental), social or civic status, health conditions, economic disadvantages, indigenous status, or migration status, may be unable to protect themselves from significant harm or exploitation.
Vulnerable Adult: Vulnerable adults are defined as people who are unable to take care of protecting themselves against harm or exploitation for any reason. When safeguarding adults, this involves reducing and preventing the risk of harm, neglect or abuse alongside supporting them to maintain their own lives. While most would consider vulnerable adults to be those who lack capacity, adults with full capacity can also be considered as vulnerable as well. This is when they are unable to take care or protect themselves from harm.
2.3 Forms of abuse
Child maltreatment: Is the abuse and neglect that occurs to children under 18 years of age. It includes all types of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, negligence and commercial or other exploitation, which results in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power
Child exploitation: Refers to the use of children for someone else’s advantage, gratification or profit often resulting in unjust, cruel and harmful treatment of the child. These activities are to the detriment of the child’s physical or mental health, education, moral or social-emotional development…. It covers situations of manipulation, misuse, abuse, victimisation, oppression or ill-treatment.
Survivor-centred approach: A survivor-centred approach to violence against women seeks to empower the survivor by prioritising their rights, needs and wishes. It means ensuring that survivors have access to appropriate, accessible, and good quality services including health care, psychological and social support, security, legal services. (UNFPA 2012)
Violence and harassment: A range of unacceptable behaviours and practices that aim at, result in, or are likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual, or economic harm. This potentially covers physical abuse, verbal abuse, bullying and mobbing, sexual harassment, threats, and stalking, among other things. Includes harassment through work related communication enabled by technology.
3. Nonprofit builder safeguarding policy statement
Nonprofit builder is committed to ensuring that its people and the independent consultants on its capacity building platform provide services, research and operations in a manner that is safe for everyone that we come into contact with, directly or indirectly.
Respect for human rights, especially diversity and inclusion, partnership, co-creation, integrity, and commitment to promote equality is part and parcel of Nonprofit Builder’s fundamental values.
We seek to establish a working environment where all employees, interns, volunteers, consultants, grantees and partners feel respected and valued. Across our programmes and activities, we do not discriminate based on gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or any other bias. This applies to all relationships, both internally and externally.
Anyone associated with Nonprofit builder is explicitly prohibited from engaging in any activity with any of our stakeholders that may result in any kind of abuse including any form of harassment, physical, emotional, negligent treatment and sexual abuse or exploitation.
In the conduct of its activities, Nonprofit Builder requires its staff and consultants and anyone associated with us through our work to comply with all applicable laws in the countries in which it operates, all regulations, national and international conventions, as well as with best practices with regard to ethics, social responsibility, and protection of the environment. The organisation strives to maintain the same through all its actions and processes.
Just as Nonprofit Builder’s mission is to facilitate capacity building of non-governmental organisations to optimise their functioning to make the world a better place, its Safeguarding Policy is designed to protect from harm and keep safe its people and vulnerable groups with whom it and its consultants have direct/indirect contact through its work. This includes developing, enabling, and nurturing a strong safeguarding culture within Nonprofit Builder and all its stakeholders.
Nonprofit Builder commits to having robust, accountable, and transparent systems for, reporting, response and learning when safeguarding risks materialise. Those systems include a duty of care to all actors who report allegations and concerns, and to adopt a survivor centred approach to the alleged victim/survivor.
Nonprofit Builder requires anyone associated with our work to bring to our attention, through our safeguarding reporting system, any concerns or allegations against any member of our staff, consultants and all people associated with our work. Nonprofit Builder commits to responding constructively and in a timely manner to reports or allegations that are made to us.
This safeguarding policy should be read in conjunction with Nonprofit Builder’s Whistle Blowing Policy, and Code of Conduct for Consultants.
This policy applies to all Nonprofit Builder employees, interns, volunteers, consultants, grantees, partners and anyone who represents us in our work whether this is online or face to face.
4. Safeguarding Framework
Nonprofit Builder’s safeguarding framework comprises of the following measures:
4.1 Recruitment and vetting of safeguarding consultants working with children or vulnerable adults
4.1.1. Recruitment of Consultants
Standard Vetting Process for Low-Risk Engagements:
Nonprofit Builder staff and consultants generally do not have any direct contact with children, vulnerable adults or beneficiaries of aid in the course of delivery of services.
Most of our consulting work is conducted remotely without direct contact with vulnerable groups. For these standard engagements, our vetting process relies on:
- Professional referrals from trusted foundations and grantees based on direct experience
- Initial consultant interviews
- A signed declaration of eligibility for working with children and vulnerable adults
- Close monitoring of consultant performance during early assignments
While enhanced safeguarding checks apply to work involving vulnerable groups, our core consulting work uses this relationship-based vetting approach rather than formal background checks or identity verification.
4.1.2. Recruitment of Safeguarding Consultants
Nonprofit Builder only accepts safeguarding consultants proposed by the Funders Safeguarding Collaborative, or by foundations with a solid track record of engaging safeguarding consultants. Foundations are expected to ensure that safeguarding consultants that they recommend for the Nonprofit Builder platform are trustworthy and competent to provide high quality safeguarding capacity building that leads to the prevention of harm to children, vulnerable adults, staff and volunteers.
4.1.3. Additional Vetting
In the event that a safeguarding consultant may consult with recipients of services which include children or vulnerable adults (safeguarding audits, evaluations) when supporting a grantee, this contact is supervised by the grantee, accompanied by special vetting and prevention measures, in addition to the consultant abiding by Nonprofit Builder’s code of conduct and statement on safeguarding. Non Profit Builder will ensure that the following processes are in place:
- Vetting: The selected consultant will undergo a rigorous vetting process, including identity and reference checks and, where applicable, criminal background checks in line with local laws and proportionate to the assessment of risk. The cost of external services hired for the background checks will be charged to the foundation sponsoring the engagement.
- Pre-Deployment Declaration: Consultants must declare in writing that they have no criminal convictions or ongoing legal cases that would make them unsuitable for the role.
- Supervision: Grantees will be advised to ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place for the consultant to manage unsupervised contact with children and vulnerable adults during their assignments.
4.2 Code of Conduct
Nonprofit Builder has developed a Code of Conduct for Consultants that describes the ethics and behaviours required of all consultants providing capacity building services through its platform. The Code of Conduct incorporates expectations of demonstrating behaviours that promote trust and a robust safeguarding environment. Breaches of the Code of Conduct by consultants are grounds for removal from the Nonprofit Builder directory as well as possible referral of matters to the Foundation/Trust responsible for approving the grantee capacity building, as well as possible referral of matters to relevant external bodies including statutory authorities, for example where a possible criminal breach is involved.
Nonprofit Builder’s own staff, interns, and volunteers are expected to follow the same Code of Conduct. All employees are required to read it, and are expected to adhere to its values and minimum standards.
Staff making overseas visits are expected to uphold local law wherever it operates, except where Nonprofit Builder’s Code of Conduct is more stringent, in which case this will apply. Breaches of the Code of Conduct are grounds for disciplinary action as well as possible referral of matters to relevant external bodies including statutory authorities.
4.3 Whistleblowing
Nonprofit Builder’s Whistleblowing Policy has been developed to support its safeguarding framework. The policy is communicated through our website and accessible to all stakeholders. A complaint handling framework managed by a compliance officer or designated committee, ensures reports are examined and resolved quickly at the appropriate level. The policy makes explicit that there can be no reprisals for the whistleblower where concerns are reported in good faith and without malice. Whistleblowing reports can be made via the anonymous whistleblowing form.
4.4 Reporting
Nonprofit Builder’s responsibility for recognising and reporting safeguarding concerns applies across the organisation, with all our stakeholders.
Where any of our staff come across any information suggesting harm to anyone in the work place, they should report this to the designated safeguarding officer.
Consultants and grantees who come across safeguarding concerns in the course of their capacity building work should confidentially report these to the Nonprofit Builder designated safeguarding officer in the first instance (CEO Anna Kondratyuk,
When we become aware that any current staff member, consultant or anyone associated with our work may pose a risk to children and/or adults at risk we will comply with the legislation and relevant guidance in respect of referring that representative to the relevant authorities in the country of operation if appropriate.
In the rare event that consultants have been reported for inappropriate advice that has resulted in harm to anyone, procedures are in place to address this. These include a follow up by an external safeguarding expert approved by Nonprofit Builder and the foundation sponsoring the grantee.
4.5 Responding and Accountability Lines
Nonprofit Builder is committed to responding effectively, sensitively and swiftly to all allegations and suspicions of any type of harm, violence and harassment against its staff or concerns reported or observed about consultants or grantees. Nonprofit Builder does not tolerate abuse, harassment and any form of misconduct and will take appropriate action in response to any such reports.
The CEO is the designated safeguarding officer, and is responsible for responding to all reports of safeguarding concerns. She will make sure that incidents are dealt with appropriately and that all steps below are followed:
- The safety and wellbeing of the individual(s) affected is the paramount consideration and immediate steps must be taken by the safeguarding officer in collaboration with relevant team members as necessary to protect the individual(s) affected and to address any possible urgent medical needs.
- The designated safeguarding officer will follow up matters in a confidential manner and is committed to investigate claims thoroughly and fairly using Nonprofit Builder’s internal procedure for managing concerns.
- A virtual or in person case discussion involving relevant members of Nonprofit Builder’s leadership will be held within 24 hours to discuss the nature of the allegation and to take decisions on next steps.
- Nonprofit Builder has an arrangement with an external safeguarding consultant who will advise on the best course of action to follow for each case.
- Investigations will be objective, transparent, and will be guided by professional expertise and support when required.
- Where reported concerns relate to the grantee, Nonprofit Builder will inform the relevant foundation.
- Where it appears that a criminal offence may have taken place, the matter will be referred to the appropriate national authorities in line with local reporting/referral systems.
5. Recording
All safeguarding concerns or allegations must be recorded as soon as possible by the person receiving the information, and the record will form the basis for sharing information with the safeguarding officer and onward referral where relevant.
Safeguarding records will be kept in line with Data Protection requirements and information will be shared observing GDPR requirements. All incident reports will be clearly recorded with concerns raised and actions taken and securely stored with password protected access to authorised personnel only.
6. Data Protection
Nonprofit Builder recognizes its obligations to process data in line with existing relevant data protection legislation including a duty to protect personal data against any unauthorised or unlawful processing and any accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, the personal data, as explained in our Personal Data Policy.
Where Nonprofit Builder consultants come across information that suggests harm to a vulnerable adult/and or child, we will always seek and facilitate consent of alleged adult victims and children’s caregivers before sharing safeguarding concerns with the relevant authorities. However, in cases where information suggests an immediate risk of harm, data protection legislation is not a barrier to sharing safeguarding concerns. Consultants cannot keep confidences when they involve concerns about a vulnerable adult or a child who is at risk or likely risk of harm.
It is important that everyone providing services on behalf of Nonprofit Builder is prepared to explain that confidentiality will need to be breached where shared information suggests harm to anyone.
7. Risk Management
Nonprofit Builder recognises that safeguarding vulnerable groups goes beyond policy frameworks and requires grantee organisations to have meaningful implementation systems in place.
Nonprofit Builder has processes in place to identify risks to the well-being of individuals, conducting safe activities or the reputation of an organisation. Nonprofit Builder’s risk management log includes safeguarding risks and Nonprofit Builder’s senior leadership team is committed to review and assess regularly the risks faced by the organisation in all areas of our work and to plan for the management of those risks.
Three particular risks to mitigate:
7.1 Limited organizational buy-in
Some grantees may approach safeguarding as a box-ticking exercise to meet foundation requirements, rather than embracing it as an essential organizational practice. This surface-level commitment can compromise the effectiveness of risk prevention measures.
Mitigation: Consultants should evaluate the grantee's level of engagement and notify Nonprofit Builder if they observe resistance or lack of genuine participation. In cases of insufficient cooperation, Nonprofit Builder will suspend the project and inform the foundation.
7.2 Superficial policy-only projects
Creating safeguarding policies alone, without adequate support for implementation, may create an illusion of protection while leaving actual risks unaddressed. Policy development must be paired with practical implementation to be effective.
Mitigation: Nonprofit Builder only accepts engagements that allocate sufficient time and resources for comprehensive implementation, including 1) board adoption of the policy, 2) coaching of the dedicated safeguarding officer, and 3) staff-wide training and capacity building.
7.3 Foundations risk overlooking safeguarding
A foundation may be funding nonprofits actively supporting vulnerable groups, without having appropriate documentation of whether safeguarding measures are in place, or offering safeguarding support.
Mitigation: Nonprofit Builder will alert the foundation and recommend they engage with the Funders Safeguarding Collaborative for expert guidance on implementing safeguarding measures across their grantmaking portfolio.
8. Media and Communications
Nonprofit Builder has arrangements in place to get consent for any visual material to communicate its work. We do not use images of children or vulnerable adults when communicating about our work. Nonprofit Builder will not take photographs of anyone who is concerned about the use or impact of the image.
We will ensure that people who give us consent are fully aware of where and how we use their images and that have clear pathways for contacting us through our communication and media teams and that they are aware that options to withdraw consent remain open, without a time limit.
All textual and visual materials will include a citation of the sources. Nonprofit Builder will only include those visual materials that it is allowed to use, whether through copyright statements, fair use policies, explicit consent or other ways of permission granted.
9. Implementation and Review
Nonprofit Builder safeguarding policy will be available to all our people via induction, through our website and our internal drives.
All Nonprofit Builder staff will sign the code of conduct as part of the induction process.
All consultants will sign the Code of Conduct for consultants as part of the onboarding process. The Customer Relation Manager (CRM) is used to manage declaration of compliance with this and other policies. Consultants will only be able to submit work proposals if they are up to date with their compliance declarations.
Nonprofit Builder will continually evaluate its safeguarding practice and update its policy following an annual review by the designated safeguarding officer.