Webinars and Events

Particpation in these events is open to all members of the Nonprofit Builder community: grantees, foundations, consultants.


Webinar Get the most out of COP 29, by Jennifer Milliken, Major events facilitator and consultant

Is your organization planning to attend COP 29 in Baku? How to get the most out of this investment of your precious time and money? Jennifer Milliken is a programme director and event facilitator, from in-house workshops to mega-conferences. She draws on her COP and Davos mega-conference experiences to discuss how you can start preparing now to get the most out of your participation in these challenging events in terms of concrete results that will advance your cause - whether new insights, new ideas, new contacts, or even new funding.

On Zoom on 6 September, 9:00 AM CEST -Recording/ Workshop material



Webinar Are you ready to scale? By Alice Kennerley, Senior consultant at Spring Impact

Scaling means to grow your impact, but this does not necessarily mean to grow your organisation - it can be through partnerships or other strategies. Do you want to scale, and are you ready to scale, and if yes, through what is the best pathway? This webinar will help you answer these questions, and also get more information on how Spring Impact can help you in this journey. Spring Impact  is a global nonprofit  that supports organisations in overcoming challenges and resolving the critical questions on the journey to scaling impact, helping teams build the strategies, knowledge, and mindsets they need to tackle problems at scale -- through consulting and training.

On Zoom on 10 September 2024 at  9:00 AM CEST - Register here 


Webinar Beyond Branding - The Power of People By Christopher Kent Meunier, the founder of Unscene

Transform your approach to branding by exploring the monumental shifts from the Industrial Revolution to today’s digital age.
Learn how to craft your brand persona to uncover your business’s unique purpose and mission, drawing inspiration from iconicbrands like Nike and Airbnb. Discover how these brands leverage community insights to create identities that resonate and endure.

Discussion Highlights:

  •  From Signifiers to Significance: Learn how to elevate your brand narratives and enrich consumer connections, turning simple signifiers into stories of significance.
  • Beyond Transactions: Gain a practical glimpse into the future of branding, where relationships and experiences trump mere transactions.
  • Evolving Markets: Understand how to adapt and thrive in new consumer landscapes, ensuring your brand remains relevant and impactful.
On Zoom on 16 September 2024 at  9:00 AM CEST - Register here