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Insad, S.C.
An active member of the Nonprofit Builder consultant platform since 04, June 2021 and has completed 1 engagement through the platformWe are a Mexican consultancy specialized in social research and the evaluation of projects, programs and social policies, established in 1999.
Mexico, Latin America
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Geographical Experience
We are convinced that interventions based on rigorous research and accurate and up-to-date information accelerate social development . That is why we seek to contribute to the strengthening of the actions carried out by civil society organizations (CSOs) , foundations and the government , through applied research and specialized technical support in the fields of demography, public health, human rights, education and social development in general.
Insad is known for its expertise in evaluation. Most of the projects we carry out are in this field, from monitoring small project processes to impact evaluations of national programs.
In external evaluations we take care of the entire process, from the preparation of the monitoring and evaluation plan, the creation of indicators, design of instruments, logistical organization, data collection, systematization, analysis, preparation of reports and proposal of recommendations, according to with the objectives of each project.
We also carry out participatory evaluations , in which the personnel who design and implement the actions are involved. Within this category, we attach special importance to the "evaluation for development" or developmental evaluation., in which the evaluator becomes a partner of the implementing entity, to whom he provides continuous feedback on the progress and results detected during the implementation of his project or program, with the purpose of supporting decision-making based on evidence, either in terms of the course of the project or even to make adjustments to the design of its theory of change or to the structure for its operation. This type of evaluation makes it easier for the implementation to be integrated into a process of continuous learning and improvement.
Insad's work team is made up of researchers who have vast experience in the public sector, particularly in social development policies, as well as in development agencies and foundations. These individual trajectories converge to enhance the capacities required for the design of public programs and projects of civil society organizations.
Insad offers technical assistance and training in monitoring and evaluation, as well as planning, to both civil society organizations (CSOs) and government institutions.
The capacity building of CSOs is a central interest of INSAD: we are convinced that it is a main route to accelerate social development. For this reason, at Insad we have a specific area dedicated to strengthening CSOs and foundations. We carry out courses and workshops and, above all, personalized support for the preparation of project proposals, the design of evaluation schemes, the creation of indicators, the design of instruments, etc. We provide support to organizations that focus their work on very diverse topics: environment, health, education, human rights, community development, among others. We have collaborated with more than 150 organizations in Mexico and Latin America.
We work with private foundations to provide technical assistance to their scholarship organizations and, also, to support their internal processes regarding the elaboration of change chains, assessment of progress in their lines of work, reporting systems between scholarship recipients and central offices, among other We have worked with private foundations in Mexico, the United States, and the United Kingdom.