
Lucent Consultancy

An active member of the Nonprofit Builder consultant platform since 16, May 2022

Lucent is a consultancy supporting organisations to develop clear, lasting strategies.

United Kingdom, Europe

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Board & governance
Gender, diversity & inclusion
Multi stakeholder initiatives




Lucent supports organisations with a social purpose to see clearly, make connections and inspire change. We work with organisations to devleop clear and lasting strategies for change.


Our strategy work is anchored in the real challenges and opportunities your organisation faces. We build on what you do well already and, by looking at your place in the landscape, help you determine what sets you apart from others in your field. We review your buisness and finance model, areas of consensus and discord within your team and your Board. We work to analyse and visualise the data you hold and use these insights to help you understand the development options you have ahead and to make clear, informed decisions about your future.


We use a tried and tested methodology that gets to the heart of your strategy quickly. We focus on five key questions to set a future direction or your organisation. We call this approach the strategy ship and you can read more about it here .


The result of our strategy process is a sense of clarity, greater unity across staff, Trustees and volunteers, and a common understanding of where to focus time and energies to achieve greatest impact.


In other words, we have seen this process move organisations from a sense of being permanently overwhelmed, to increased confidence and focus.